Athens bus station

2067 days ago

Photo Article - the Roma at the Court House in Kalamata and Greek indifference

This article may cause a bit of upset and I have no solutions to what is a problem for Greece and an unresolved human tragedy for an ancient people, the Roma. I merely observe and report. I remember the Mrs and I giving a lift to two elderly and rather smelly Greeks in the deep countryside a couple of years ago. Their English was more or less non existent but they pointed at her dark skin and said "Roma". They thought she was a gypsy and it is clear they were not big fans. I was glad to drop them off after a few miles.


2174 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - another first, brought to you from Athens Bus Station

Yes, this is the place where many AIM CEOs are not fit to run the public toilets. What better place to record? Excuse the background noise. Yes I am back in Greece - I kept that a secret - and have today door-stepped Folli Follie at its lavish HQ camera in hand. It was an experience. Thank god I had a burly Albanian in a car with a motor running parked down the road. In this podcast I discuss Andalas (ADL) which is still not coming clean and is a prize dog, Roger Lawson with whom I have a good chat last night and who does not trivialise hate mail and R4E (R4E) whose results statement is er.. a mixed bag for we loyal shareholders.  PS If you appreciate my bravery and dedication GO SPONSOR ME FOR £10 NOW HERE


2432 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - more detail on the public lavatory at Athens Bus Station

This is a wide ranging bearcast and given my assertion that Charles Tatnall and James Longley are not fit to run the public lavatory at Athens Bus Station I thought I'd fill you in with a bit more detail about that place, what the job entails and why these scallywags are just not up to it. I cover in this podcast Papillion Holdings (PPHP), MySquar (MYSQ), ITM Power (ITM), Fulham Shore (FUL), TrakM8 (TRAK) and, of course, World War three. And ahead of 11 AM tomorrow I remind you to ALL SIGN UP HERE NOW!
